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Past Events:
Pluto to Earth: 2-22-22
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Pluto to Earth: Tuesday 2-22-22, 6:30pm CST via Zoom
A Power Yoga & Meditation Event benefitting the Illinois Environmental Council.

Together, we'll harness Pluto’s energy to make great things happen within ourselves and here on Earth. Pluto, the dwarf planet of creative destruction and rebirth, is making its once-in-a-lifetime return to the same location in the zodiac as it was during the early days of the United States. Pluto’s epic journey signifies our generation's potential to change the world for the better. Especially important at a time when we face the challenges of climate change and climate injustice. Myself and the IEC would love for you to join us for an evening of powerful movement and mindfulness to support climate action. Tickets $20 in advance / $25 day of event

New Moon Yoga & Pilates Flow
Join me on Monday, April 12th 2021 at 6:30pm CST, for a Yoga & Pilates Flow + New Moon Intention Setting Meditation to benefit the Illinois Environmental Council. We’ll begin with a powerful, but beginner-friendly flow combining yoga, Pilates, and breath to generate internal heat and clear your mind and body of stagnant energy. Following will be a short meditation to help you focus in on yourself and get clear on your intentions. We’ll end the evening by writing our intentions down on paper, sealing them in a self-addressed stamped envelope, and sending them out into the universe to manifest. Proceeds from the evening will help fund The Illinois Environmental Council's efforts to pass progressive sustainability legislation, including the Clean Energy Jobs Act (CEJA). Tickets $15 in advance / $20 day of event